I wrote this on Monday, March 3, 2010 just this month was serving four years of living in hell on earth here in Northern full financial crisis one of the biggest crises in the history of this empire a few years ago began to collapse: not because it was poorly managed, not because the Reds won the war because Democrats ruled longer ruled not because the Republicans no longer filled with undocumented because none of it is simply the nature is the United States of America the most powerful nation the world is on the shrinkage lines fivonacci see: Fibonacci theory, explained the development of natural growing phenomenon through his famous numerical sequence. This sequence is a law that explains the development of natural growing phenomenon, and is generated by adding two numbers to get the following: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ... etc.
In his theory fibonacci sequence showed that this can manifest in the evolution of a phenomenon of nature, as the solution to a mathematical problem based on the reproduction process of a couple of rabbits and confirmed it.
Now, as applied fibonacci theory, we know that the economy moves in cycles, and after a move upward or downward, the same retreat, then return and achieve new highs or lows, then the question is, how far prices can go back, to return again to resume its trend? This is where Fibonacci theory.
As we can see this is a theory used in the stock market but I thought it may also be useful to measure the movements of nations no more, in this case retractions and take much longer because not centuries if not ever will return to where it started the trend.
This great country for decades had an upward trend if we want to call using the theory fivocci maximum and was able to touch their huge profits today in this time when I have to make big decisions for my life to my 24 years I can see this downward trend that began a few years and not know where my place to take profits strategic points lower as the graphics is handled in foreign stock that is we have to adapt to trends because if you go against the trend drags us concludes the theory.
Poro that happened to my fellow immigrants unfortunately the lack of information or news that they never tell us part of the move or when we started but great men and analysts have predicted this low are ignored either by running away from reality or simply not to alarm the population and because of pride to say that not wanting to accept that this stage of growth had come to an end and it was time to see other nations to grow and progress because China did not mention with whom this great country is being indebted to this you can add that the ideology of growth in China is nature taking over U.S. man's mind and every day we see more people unhappy about the system beyond the boundaries to see as they begin to bloom, those ideological tendencies that this country would kill with bullet tip force was giving him the time of glory. Today we can see how people are more accepting of how democratic ideas they wanted to be buried but we do see it as looking for ways to kill them over again.
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